Tuff Trac® Switchboard Matting
Thermoplastic Products

Tuff Trac® Switchboard Matting

RM Biltrite® Tuff Trac® ASTM Vinyl Switchboard Matting  insulates employees from electrical shock by interrupting the electrical path-to-ground. Perfect for use in high voltage areas and around high voltage equipment.

RM Biltrite® has over forty years of experience manufacturing switchboard matting from both rubber and vinyl. Our Tuff Trac® Type II Class 2 formula, developed after years of research and testing, contains polymers enriched with functional additives which provide greater insulative resistance. All Tuff Trac® Type II Class 2 matting is verified for dielectric resistance to 30,000 VAC per ASTM D-178. In addition, RM Biltrite™ performs extreme testing on every production batch to confirm our formula delivers a higher margin of safety up to 50,000 VAC. Matting is branded on back per ASTM specification.

Tuff Trac® Switchboard Matting is also available in military specification grade MIL-DTL-15562, used by the U.S. Navy.